Circle C Farm’s Guardian Maremmas: Loyal Protectors for Your Farm

Farmer Nicole's Personal Update: Healing, Health, and Circle C Farm's Next Steps. We are Stepping Out of the Food Space to Heal

Dear Circle C Farm Family,

I never imagined I’d be writing this, but after much soul-searching and reflection, I need to share some personal news with you all.

A couple of years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare Stage 2 breast cancer. While this isn’t something we spoke about publicly, as we are very private people, the time has come for me to step back and focus on my health and healing. I’ve pushed forward through many challenges after the diagnosis, but I now realize that I haven’t allowed myself the time and space I truly need to heal, both physically and mentally. It’s time I respect that process.

I know this will come as a shock, and I can only imagine the emotions many of you are feeling. Some of you may worry about where you’ll source your food, as you’ve trusted us at Circle C Farm for years. Please take heart—there are so many other amazing farms and producers out there who are doing incredible work.

While we step away for this time, we have full confidence that you will find what you need from others in our amazing agricultural community. You’ll be in good hands, we promise.

For over a decade, many of you have been more than clients to us—you’ve become true friends and family. You know that the relationships we’ve built go far beyond the products we’ve shared. We want to reassure you: this is not goodbye forever, just a pause, a necessary one for my well-being. You will be okay, and I will be okay after I take the time to heal and recover.

Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude for your support, love, and trust over these last 10 years. You have been with us through every step of this incredible journey, and we will forever cherish the bonds we’ve created.

We look forward to reconnecting with you all after we’ve taken this time to recover.  This journey with you have been more fulfilling to Manny and I than you could ever possible know or imagine!

Thank you for your understanding, for your love, and for being a part of our Circle C Farm family.

With deep appreciation and love,

Farmer Nicole 

Circle C Farm


  • Your Contact info, emails etc. will remain with us and private.
  • NOTHING will be SOLD, SHARED, or distributed to anyone else for use in getting in touch with you! We have never done that to date, and we will certainly not be sharing moving forward.
  • I cannot ‘recommend’ any farm in particular, as I really cannot speak to their farming practices, but I know that there are many amazing farms to choose from b/c I have seen them out there too.
  • Our legal Trademarks and marketing slogans will remain ours and will not be sold or made available to others for usage in any way, shape or form. If someone claims to be “US” they are NOT. We will retain ALL RIGHTS to them.
  • Our BRAND, Circle C Farm, will remain and carry forward, as we are remaining the in the AG space, just stepping out of the food service space.
  • I will not ‘give’ or grant permission for anyone to reach out to you or market you or solicitate you on our behalf.
  • If someone / any other farm or company tells you that we gave them your information, that will NOT be correct, as I give you my word, I will NOT be sharing your info with others.
  • Social Media Platforms - you will see some adjustments over the next couple of weeks, not exactly sure how that will look, but there will be a few changes.
  • Website / YouTube - we will be making some adjustments there too, just not sure at this moment, but our website will remain up as a resource and to continue to share farm happenings.

Farming, regenerative agriculture, homesteading, butchering meat, pasture raised grass finished

Farm Fresh Recipes for Your Table


Olive Oil Chicken Thighs

Juicy chicken thighs seasoned with herbs, seared in olive oil, then baked for crispy skin. Healthy and delicious.

Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cook Time: 40 minutes | Servings: 8

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Chicken Breast Stuffed

Juicy chicken breasts stuffed with chorizo and creamy cheese. Bold and flavorful.

Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 3 hours Total | Servings: 4

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100% grass-fed beef

Bone-In Ribeye with Garlic-Herb Butter

This recipe is a carnivore's dream - a juicy, bone-in ribeye steak served with a decadent garlic-herb butter. Decadent and flavorful.

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View Other Recipes:

From Sunrise Chores to Harvesting Crops, See How Circle C Farm Cultivates the Land with Care and Dedication.

A Day in the Life of a Farm

To the pasture we go, baby ducks on their way out to their new pond at Circle C Farm 

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Amadeus and Farmer Nicole take a walk with the pastured poultry laying hens at Circle C Farm 

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Farmer Nicole in a chicken suit, OMG this week's specials coming to you from the Butcher Shop

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with Nicole Cruz and Carl Fiadini

Walk-in Circles Podcast

EP5 Mental Health Awareness In The Food & Farm Industries Walk-In Circles Podcast Series

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EP6 Eggs, Michelin Chef, Restaurant Recipes & FL Concealed Carry Walk-In Circles Podcast Series

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EP7 Raising Livestock, Cooking Trends & Food Photography Walk-In Circles Podcast Series

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EP8 Navigating the Future of Food: A Look at Lab-Made Meats Walk-In Circles Podcast Series

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EP9 The Authentic Experience of Grass Fed Wagyu Beef Walk-In Circles Podcast Series

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