Discount Codes from other websites FAQs - NO, we do NOT have them!

Discount Codes from other websites FAQs - NO, we do NOT have them!

Discount Codes found on other websites:

We DO NOT OFFER DISCOUNT CODES from other random google generated website or coupon codes or whatever you find out there on the internet randomly!!!!

We offer our Pasture Points Reward Program and LOCAL ONLY Community Delivery Club Codes ONLY

There are websites out there that auto generate codes for businesses by having AI, bots or other technology scrapping websites, that doesn't mean that they are real, legit or even available.

Please know that if / when you use them / try to use them, should the technology put it through, we humans will see it and let you know that they don't exist and ask if you'd like to pay for the difference of what that code is offering you or if you'd like us to completely cancel and refund your entire order. 

We will NOT honor codes that are not from us.  We ONLY have the pasture points and community codes that come ONLY from us.

* NOTE: We have a Community Delivery Club program, many of the google bots have scraped our website and are generating codes for discounts that DO NOT exist.  The code for the boxing fee for our community programs DO NOT apply unless you LIVE in that community AND ARE getting your order delivered to that community.

Respectfully, please don't ask us to honor a code that we don't actually have or that we have NOT created AND please don't get upset with us because we, as a small farm, won't ship you an order for $7 boxing fee. 

Unfortunately, the big box stores have lied to everyone implying that it is free to ship products, because it is NOT FREE.  And, to ship perishable meats is most certainly NOT FREE!

Thank you, Farmer Nicole