Circle C Farm is a first generation family owned and operated farm with farms in both Lee and Hendry Counties, located right here in Southwest Florida.

We are your source for 100% sustainably pasture grass fed, grass finished free range, Non-GMO, healthy, natural and nutritious… beef, lamb, broiler chickens, turkey, pork, duck, eggs and honey close to home.

We are the First and ONLY Farm in the entire State of Florida to have an On Farm USDA Federally Inspected and Custom Inspected Abattoir (Slaughterhouse) and Butcher Shop that is open to the public for the harvesting of their livestock. We offer services for Red Meat only, no poultry for bio-security reasons. ALL animals on this property are cared for with the utmost of respect! We harvest our animals in a humane and ethical manner throughout the entire process.
We raise our own breed of foundation bloodline Heritage Breed Florida Cracker Sheep, Florida Cracker Cattle and Heritage Breed Large Blacks, Red Wattle, Old Spots and Mangalitsa Hogs, along with pure bred Berkshire and Hereford and Duroc Hogs.
At Circle C Farm, we take great pride in our mission to create and maintain a healthy farm environment, producing hearty and happy animals that enjoy a Serengeti pasture rotation regiment.

Our animals are 100% free grazing and pasture grass fed & grass finished on our very own grass pastures. We DO NOT treat or feed any of our livestock with hormones, antibiotics, steroids or any growth promoting additives ever.
Our pastures have not been chemically fertilized or treated with pesticides or herbicides. As a result, all of our animals grow at a natural pace and live low stress lives in order to provide you with most nutritious, flavorful and leanest meats possible. All of our animals are handled humanely from the day they are born.
Our broiler chickens and laying hens live their life in the pasture with mobile coops the size of houses that get moved throughout the pastures every 2 days. They are VERY happy chickens and hens! These houses do not have the bottom half on them, so the chickens and hens come and go freely anytime they want.
The result of our efforts renders a beautiful, healthy farm environment where all the animals are able to flourish naturally.

We live the “pasture to plate” life.
It is not an easy life, but it is incredibly rewarding!
Visit our Farm Store in Bonita and experience for yourself the flavor profiles of our local thriving sustainable multi species farm or order from us on line when you are not ‘in the neighborhood.’ We are Fresh From Florida!
Visit us today!
Visit our Farm Store in Bonita and experience for yourself the flavor profiles of our local thriving sustainable multi species farm or order from us on line when you are not ‘in the neighborhood.’ We are Fresh From Florida!