Grass Fed & Grass Finished Beef Cuts
🐂 Our grass-fed beef is sustainably and humanely farm-raised.
🌱 Our herd grazes freely on pesticide and chemical-free grassy pastures.
💉 They are never given any hormones or antibiotics.
🌞 Our Angus, Brangus, and Beefmaster beef roam freely in open pastures and enjoy their time in the sun.
🐔 They spend time with the chickens and laze around while ruminating.
🔪 All of our free-range beef is harvested by hand humanely on our farm in our very own USDA Inspected Abattoir.
🚫 Our meats are always free of nitrates, nitrites, MSG, hormones, antibiotics, and preservatives.
👨🍳 The flavor profile of our beef is amazing and has a naturally soft texture and tenderness.
👨🌾 We take great pride in our cattle and know that their stress-free life on our pasture translates directly to your plate. Enjoy the fruits of our labor!
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Circle C Farm is a family owned and operated farm in both Lee & Hendry Counties, located in Southwest Florida.
© 2023 Circle C Farm #EatCircleCFarm