Grass Fed & Grass Finished Lamb
Our flock of Circle C Farm Lambs are our very own breed!
Yes, we have created our own breed of lamb, we have a closed flock and are incredibly proud of the fact that our lambs are born, raised and harvested on our farm, just like our cattle, poultry and pigs.
They are rotated with our cattle following the Serengeti Pasture Rotation Model, meaning our livestock graze our fields from large species to small species, cattle/sheep first, then poultry. This way they eat the different forages and fertilize naturally as they go from pasture to pasture alleviating the need for ever having to artificially fertilize the pastures.
They are 100% All Natural Grass-fed and Grass Finished Lambs, sustainably and humanely farm raised. Our flock is never given any hormones or antibiotics, and they live on pesticide and chemical free pastures where they graze freely day and night with their very own Livestock Guardian Dog to protect them.
Our sheep roam on open pastures and enjoy their time in the sun and under the palm trees. They spend time with the chickens and relaxing while they ruminate.
All of our free range lambs are harvested by hand humanely on our farm in our very own USDA Inspected Abattoir and Butcher Shop.
Our meats are always free of: nitrates, nitrites, MSG, hormones, antibiotics, preservatives and are gluten free.
The flavor profile of our lamb is simple second to none! Our young lamb meat has a naturally soft texture and a tenderness you cannot find anywhere else! AND is NOT gamy in flavor!!!
We take great pride in the creation of our very own flock and know that their stress free life on our pasture translates directly to your plate… enjoy the fruits of our labor!
Taste the Difference, Feel the Difference™
We only offer 100% pasture-raised lamb meat. Our sheep and lambs are butchered by hand on our farm, ensuring you of the highest quality lamb cuts. Our lamb is not just 'organic' in nature, but it also exceeds strict standards for organic animals, as we use no chemicals, artificial fertilizers on our pastures and they are 100% pasture raised and grass fed / finished.
We produce lamb meat in the method intended by our creator!
Some of the key benefits of eating our grass-fed and grass finished lamb include:
🐑 Our 100% grass fed and finished lamb is known to be healthier than grain-finished lamb.
🐑 We never use antibiotics, steroids, or hormones on our flock of sheep.
🐑 Feed your family the healthiest 100% grass-fed and grass finished lamb available
🐑 It feels great to know exactly where & how your food is being sourced that you feed your family.
We are YOUR meat farmer, YOUR butcher and we send your meat order literally from our farm right to YOUR door.
Our 100% pasture raised, Non-GMO lamb is healthier and tastes better because it's natural, and raised the way nature intended. Feeding your family the best quality food possible From Our Pasture to Your Plate™ is what we do best.
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Circle C Farm is a family owned and operated farm in both Lee & Hendry Counties, located in Southwest Florida.
© 2023 Circle C Farm #EatCircleCFarm