Pure Raw Unfiltered Honey
🐝 Here at Circle C Farm, we have 125 Bee Hives, WOW, 125, yes, that right... thousands of bees working everyday to provide all of us with amazing honey varieties.
🍯 With hives on both our farms, the bees pollinate native plants, creating a unique flavor profile for each of our honeys.
👌 Let me tell you, no matter how you choose to use our honey, whether it's in a marinade or on a charcuterie board, you will savor the pure, raw, and unfiltered goodness that these bees have worked so diligently to produce.
🌸 Their hard work throughout the year blesses us with the most flavorful and unique honey varieties. So why not indulge in the fruit of their labor and enjoy the taste of our honey today?
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Circle C Farm is a family owned and operated farm in both Lee & Hendry Counties, located in Southwest Florida.
© 2023 Circle C Farm #EatCircleCFarm