Top 5 Ways to use Egg Shells, they are a treasure not trash!

Top 5 Ways to use Egg Shells, they are a treasure not trash!

Egg Shells, Trash or Treasure?

Top 5 ways to use Egg Shells

To most people when they are cooking, baking, and even peeling a hard boiled egg the shell is waste and they think nothing of throwing them in the trash.

Don’t throw them away so quickly. They have tremendous value and worth to you, your family, and pets.

My Top 5 Ways i Use Egg Shells:

1, Feed them to your chickens.

Bake them at 350 degrees for about 30-45 minutes or until fully cooked. Crush them and then place in a grinder and grind into a fine powder.

Why spend money on Oyster shells for calcium and protein when you can just mix this into your normal chicken feed and feed it to your feathered friends.

2, Give to your senior dogs & cats.

Did you know that dogs and cats are just like us humans and need more calcium in their diet as they  and their bones age. This is a great way to put an all natural calcium and protein supplement in their food. (follow the same directions above for chickens)

3, Crush for your gardens.

Those pesky little small bodied critters that like to get in your garden and under your plants hate walking and moving on sharp objects. Don’t grind them but just lightly crush and spread all throughout your garden to keep the little critters out.

Also, when planting tomato plants sprinkle some of the egg shells (crushed or ground) in the hole where you are placing the roots of the tomato plant. Tomatoes thrive in calcium rich soil. AMAZING, how your tomatoes will grow!!

4, Composting and or Soil.

As I mentioned in #3, the soil loves calcium! So even if you don’t want to take the time to crush and grind you can still just toss them in the compost pile and let them break down. If you are gardening, you can sprinkle around the garden and rake in. If you are just starting your garden, throw the whole shell in there right before tilling the ground, this way the shells will get good and mixed in the soil. I am telling you, I have done this for the past two years and my garden soil is the best it has ever been.

5, Use it when making your Bone Broth.

Just like adding your celery, carrots, onions, and parsley, throw in a good amount of baked egg shells (do not crush or break them). The amount of protein that is in the membrane adds protein to your broth and stock. Also, it never hurts to have added calcium to our bone broth. When you are done simmering your bone broth, just scoop them out like all of the other items, then strain the broth or stock to make sure you get any little pieces out that may have broken up during the cooking process.

Some people say that you can even put them in your coffee grounds when you brew fresh coffee. I am all for trying new things but I will admit, I am not there yet lol.

I hope this has given you a few more ideas on what to do with something you would normally just throw away.


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