Get the Most out of Grilled Food | Circle C Farm

Get the Most out of Grilled Food | Circle C Farm

Circle C Farm produces fresh beef, lamb, and pork products for customers across the United States. Circle C Farm is a grass-fed, free range animals offer top ranked quality meats (beef, lamb & pork) to its customers. Circle C's full line of pasture raised chickens are also available for purchase by placing your order through our online on in-person. This in-season product offering means you will be grilling all summer long!

When it comes to quality, Circle C Farm's products are simply unmatched. In fact, according to Merriam-Webster, "Organic" is defined as, "of, relating to, yielding, or involving the use of food produced with the use of feed or fertilizer of plant or animal origin without employment of chemically formulated fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics, or pesticides." Feeding a cow grass saves resources for our planet, and Circle C Farms products are the best way to enjoy it.

Get grilling today with these tips.

Circle C Farm's Top Tips for Grilling this Summer

1. Keep a clean grill

2. Use high heat

3. Start with a cold or room temperature piece of meat before grilling it

4. Don't move the food around on the grill

5. Spray your meat periodically as you are cooking it- this helps avoid any potential flare-ups

6) Buy an oven thermometer to make sure you don't over cook your meat in case your stove top doesn’t have one

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