Kombucha Class at Circle C Farm: Feb. 11th, 2017: 10 am -12 pm

Kombucha Class at Circle C Farm Feb. 11th, 2017: 10 am -12 pm

Intro and Basics of Kombucha Making Class...

Intro Class includes: 
1. Step by step on how to begin your Kombucha making at home.
2. Jar and starter SCOBY to take home.
3. Handouts of these steps, plus recipes and ways to create different types of kombuchas.

30 people max for class.
Outside setting at Bonita Farm under trees.
$20 per person to cover materials and starter SCOBY.
Register here on our Circle C Farm website.
Bring a chair if you would like to sit, tables provided.

Register here and put it in your cart.  Bring the $20 with you, Cash or CC on Feb 11th.

Thank you for sharing in the Gift of Health with us, we look forward to having you with us for this awesome class!