Sweet Way to Start the Day! Circle C Farm Honey

Sweet Way to Start the Day! Circle C Farm Honey

Honey; From Our Pasture to Your Plate™

Taste the Difference, Feel the Difference™


Where do you start? Is it the honey itself, the natural clean raw unfiltered, pure taste or is it the “mmmmm that’s so good!” when you take the spoon out of your mouth from licking the full bodied pure raw honey taste?

We’re not really sure either, but what we are sure of is that when you get honey from the farmer that actually has their bees on the farm surrounded by thousands of acres of groves and pastures and flowers, you get to experience honey that is second to none!

The honey from our Circle C Farm hives is made by bees that live in natural settings and pollinate flowers as they would in nature. Our bees are not given harmful additives or chemicals.

Our hives are kept with care, like they should be. We've placed our hives in strategic locations around our pastures so that they're surrounded by our cattle, and they ensure that the bees have plenty of acres to pollinate, resulting in amazing plant-based honeys naturally.

🐝 Our honeys are 100% raw, natural, and never heat treated.

🐝 We grow our own honey varieties and the flavors are more intense in the fall due to the shorter growing season. You know you're getting genuine honey from us because

🐝 Our beekeeper maintains excellent connections with other beekeepers throughout the United States, and as a result we are able to acquire honeys that are gathered in accordance with the same methods as we do.

🐝 We are also able to obtain honeys from all around the country because of our strong relationships.

🐝 Our honey go well with our honey stick, and it's a lot of fun as well as a great gift.

Sweet dreams and a wonderful day to you! Bees that are cheerful make fantastic honey, which makes you feel terrific!

Circle C Farm's honey is so good you'll want to be back again and again...and again!!!

We are also able to obtain different varieties of honey from all around the country because of our strong relationships. When you get honey from the farmer that actually has their bees on the farm surrounded by thousands of acres of groves and pastures and flowers, you get to experience tasting what pure raw unfiltered honey should taste like!


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